Football Media Guide Coach Letter

Advertising Opportunities - The 2018 football season is upon us! Please consider purchasing an advertisement for your business or placing a personal ad for your athlete, spirit squad or band member. The guide will be sold at varsity home games and will include important information such as: home and away team rosters, football team schedules, team photos, individual varsity photos, coaching staff photos and biographies, LRCA personal interest stories and season highlights along with advertisements placed by businesses and individuals. The deadline to reserve your ad space is July 18, 2018. And return to Business Office, attention: Debbie Davis. For questions concerning advertising opportunities please contact Debbie Davis, LRCA Communications Department, at or 501-868-9822.

In the past parents have honored their seniors by placing an ad. Samples of various ads can be seen in the sample guide on this page.


Michigan State Football Media Guide

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to support Warrior Athletics! We look forward to seeing you under the 'Friday Night Lights'! Kia carens colours. Little Rock Christian Academy Athletic Department.