Engineering Drawing Standards Manual 2010
. Want to be notified when DDPSM is updated?
You can now when we make changes to it. If you have a subscription and no longer wish to receive emails, you can also. The Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual (DDPSM) provides guidelines for the management of design quality in the planning and design of road infrastructure projects. It also sets the policy and drafting standards for presenting the design to provide a consistent interface with the road construction industry.
This manual provides the means for designers to deliver a design fit for its intended purpose, comply with all legislative and corporate requirements and enhance the potential for the project to be constructed in accordance with 'the design' through the supply of appropriate construction information. Volume 1: Drafting Design and Presentation Standards. Volume 2: Road Design Development Presentation. complete part.
Video transcript Slide 1: Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual - Volume 2: Road Design Development Presentation Overview of October 2015 update Hello and welcome. Here is a brief overview of the October 2015 update to Volume 2 of the Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual. Slide 2: Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual (DDPSM) The Drafting and Design Presentation Standards Manual (DDPSM) provides guidance for designers/engineers, drafters and construction personnel in the standards and drawing presentation for road infrastructure projects. It covers the full preconstruction and construction delivery processes for the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. Slide 3: Volume 2: Road Design Development Presentation Volume 2: Road Design Development Presentation specifically covers the requirements for presenting road design drawings throughout different planning and design stages.
This includes specific details and design elements for the different technical fields or disciplines (such as roads, drainage, pavement, roadway lighting, traffic signals, landscaping and so on). Drawings for the various fields and disciplines share many common conventions, and also have some field-specific conventions.
The manual also takes into account the particular drafting presentation format required for each technical discipline. Slide 4: Summary of changes Previously, Volume 2 only contained drafting and design presentation requirements for roadway lighting. It was published as an interim document in August 2013. The October 2015 update now contains individual sections for each technical discipline. It provides numerous examples of drawings which show typical Transport and Main Roads drafting and presentation requirements for all elements and phases of concept planning, preliminary and detailed design, approval and construction. Slide 5: Summary of changes Volume 2 provides guidance on design details expected in drawings so that designers, engineers and draftspersons in the industry can accurately prepare and present the design intent in engineering drawings. Experience shows that inconsistent and poor design presentation can significantly increase the costs of projects.
This update aims to improve the quality of designs, drawings and documentation by ensuring appropriate drafting presentation is developed and implemented. The intention is that this will reduce rework, design changes, design variations claims, and requests for extension of time. Slide 6: Download the DDPSM Volume 2 The latest technical documents are published on the TMR website: To locate the manual, you can simply enter ‘DDPSM’ into the search box. Slide 7: Contact us For Transport and Main Roads technical document updates, subscribe to the RSS feed from the ‘Technical publications’ home page, under the ‘Business and Industry’ section. If you have any questions or feedback please email TMR Technical Documents: Slide 8: Thank you Volume 3: Structural Drafting Standards.
Nasa Engineering Drawing Standards Manual
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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual 2010
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