Mastering Networking Lab Manual Kurose
(berk -funny sign- Course Description Networking Laboratory is a course where you actively learn by doing. You will learn network concepts and protocols by configuring a network using routers and PCs, observing the actual behavior of these machines and the overall network, and analyzing and evaluating the results. This is a learning experience different from other networking courses where you read and think in an abstract level. We have a laboratory that only enrolled students can enter and use just for that purpose. Topics covered include IP, ARP, ICMP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, TCP, UDP, STP, DNS, NAT, DHCP, SNMP, IGMP and PIM-DM/SM. After taking this course, you will have a better understanding of the network behavior of individual machines and the whole network in general.
Prerequisites: This course is designed for students who already took Computer Networks (CSEE W4119) or an equivalent class at another university. TA Information The three TAs for this course are:. Jaya Allamsetty (jla2164) Office Hours: Thursday 10am-11am. Michael Lin (mdl2114) Office Hours: Monday 1pm-2pm. Aditya Muthyala (am3551) Office Hours: Wednesday 2pm-3pm Course Materials. Computer Networking: A top-down approach Authors: James F.
Kurose and Keith W. Ross Publisher: Addison-Wesley, 2009 ISBN: 0-136-07967-9 This is the textbook used for CSEE 4119. It can come in handy to review some concepts. Additional Materials. TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, IBM Redbook by A.Rodriguez, J.
Karas, R.Peschke. Some specifc RFCs and other documents (will be indicated prior to lab sessions) Grading. Lab reports: 40%. Midterm: 20%. Final: 30%. Prelabs: 10% Homeworks and Lab Sessions.
Introduction To Networking Lab Manual Answers
Prelab assignments will be done individually and are due (via Courseworks) on Mon. (every week) at 11:59AM. Labs are done in teams of two and may take more than 2 hours, or sometimes less than 1 hour. You should study the structure of each lab in advance so that you know what you are supposed to be looking for. After each lab, the team has to submit a lab report (via Courseworks) before your next lab slot. Submission days are subject to change. Late submission is subject to 20 points penalty per day.
3 late days are allowed in a semester. Lab Assignments The final lab assignments for the sessions are below. The meaning of lab sessions and the TA that will be responsible for the lab are listed below:. Lab 0: Wed 1pm - 3pm (Aditya). Lab 1: Thur 11am - 1pm (Jaya).
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Lab 2: Fri 1pm - 3pm (Michael) The first session will be on Wednesday, 1/26/2011. Aanchal Arora Lab 1 Abdullah Al-Syed Lab 0 Aditya Pipersenia Lab 1 Anish Bramhandkar Lab 1 Chen Su Lab 1 Chengchen Sun Lab 0 Danni Chen Lab 0 Deepak Sebastian Lab 2 Krishnan Rajeswar Lab 2 Lili Chen Lab 1 Lixing Pan Lab 0 Paul Vishayanuroj Lab 1 Sijue Tan Lab 1 Sonal Shetkar Lab 2 Tao Mai Lab 0 Vaibhav Pendse Lab 2 Xiaomeng Wang Lab 2 Xionghua, Shi Lab 2 Xuelan Zhang Lab 2 Yifan Zhang Lab 1 Yitian Gu Lab 2 Yuan Kang Lab 2 Zhaiyk Aliakbarov Lab 0 Zhan Qin Lab 0.