Marsha Linehan Skills Training Manual Core Mindfulness

Training Description This two-day workshop covers the fundamentals of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. Participants learn how to plan, structure, and conduct DBT skills classes.

  1. Marsha Linehan
  2. Marsha Linehan Skills Training
  3. Marsha Linehan Skills Training Manual

This workshop also addresses the targets for skills training, as well as how to apply fundamental DBT strategies in skills training. Extensive teaching and use of clinical examples are used to illustrate specific skills training procedures, assignment and review of homework with clients, and troubleshooting common skills training obstacles. This course is designed for all mental health professionals who want to learn to teach DBT skills or to improve their teaching with clients. This training will include the original DBT skills as developed by Dr.

Linehan, and will incorporate material from her recently published DBT® Skills Training Manual, Second Edition. Training Objectives.

Describe the dialectical nature of DBT skills training. Identify the strategies and procedures required for effective teaching of DBT skills.

Utilize recent updates to DBT skills training. Explain the DBT skills modules.

Structure DBT skills training for specific populations and settings. Effectively review DBT skills training homework. Jennifer Sayrs, PhD Seattle, WA (United States) Dr. Sayrs received her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Washington and her PhD at the University of Nevada, Reno, where she studied dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and behavioral theory. She then served as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr.

Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington, where she was the clinical coordinator for Dr. Linehan’s DBT research clinic.

She has served as a research therapist on three DBT clinical trials and as DBT adherence coder on several trials. Sayrs is a trainer for Behavioral Tech, providing a wide range of DBT workshops in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. She also works with Radically Open DBT (RO-DBT), an expansion of DBT aimed at problems of over-control, such as chronic depression. She is also the Director of the DBT Center at EBTCS, where she provides DBT to adults, adolescents, and couples. Sayrs also has extensive training and experience in treating anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, panic disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Marsha Linehan Skills Training Manual Core Mindfulness

She also treats depression, substance dependence, body dysmorphic disorder, and body-focused repetitive disorders (hair pulling, skin-picking). She is a graduate of the International OCD Foundation’s Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI). Sayrs is a founding member of EBTCS, where she spent seven years as Director of Training before transitioning to her role as Director of the DBT Center. Her research focuses on the effectiveness of evidence-based treatments in a clinic setting.

Sayrs is a board member and examiner for the American Board of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology, a specialty board of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Washington. Attend Behavioral Tech, LLC is not responsible for any presenter’s or participant’s statements, acts, materials or omissions. The use of audio or video taping devices is not permitted at any training. We reserve the right to cancel the training or to change the speakers and content at our sole discretion.

Cancellation, Substitutions, and Refunds Registration fees, minus a $50 service charge, will be refunded to participants who send a written cancellation via mail to Behavioral Tech or via email to postmarked no less than 15 days before the training. No refunds will be made thereafter. A colleague may be substituted for no extra charge if Behavioral Tech, LLC is notified at least two business days before the training. For a complete list of Behavioral Tech policies, including how to address grievances, see policies. Seat Availability for Onsite Events The number of seats for our open-enrollment workshops and our application-based trainings is limited by the physical training space that is reserved for the event. Please complete your registration or submit your application at your earliest convenience, as we will not guarantee a seat for you until we have received your registration or tuition payment. Special Accommodations If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please contact Behavioral Tech at 206.675.8588 four weeks prior to the training so that we may provide you with appropriate service.

Continuing Education This offering meets the requirements for the following hours by discipline. Licensing and continuing education requirements vary by state. Please contact your state’s regulatory authority to verify if this course meets your licensing or continuing education requirements. Inquiries regarding CE for other disciplines not listed may be directed to Behavioral Tech at (206) 675-8589 or via email to. And for general CE questions, you can review answers to. CE NOTE: Behavioral Tech calculates the continuing education credits for this training by the start time and end time. 100 percent attendance is required, as is signing IN and OUT each morning and afternoon, to receive CE credits.

Partial credits cannot be issued. Approval Statements Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors Behavioral Tech is approved by the NAADAC – the Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #77431.

Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance upon successful completion of the activity. The allotted contact hours for this activity = 12.5. Mental Health Counselors Behavioral Tech is approved by a NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance upon successful completion of the activity. The allocated clock hours for this activity = 12.5. Nurses Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Nurses should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Continuing Medical Education is accepted by the ANCC for nursing certification renewal. The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 12.5. At the end of the training, each Nurse must complete and sign the provided form to record the number of credits claimed. Keep one copy & return the other copy to Behavioral Tech. Psychiatrists Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 12.5. At the end of the training, each Physician must complete and sign the provided form to record the number of credits claimed. Keep one copy & return the other copy to Behavioral Tech.

Psychologists Behavioral Tech is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Behavioral Tech maintains responsibility for the program and its content. Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance after successful completion of the program and homework. The number of hours Behavioral Tech has allocated within APA guidelines = 12.5.

Social Workers- WA Behavioral Tech is approved by the NASW, Washington State Chapter, Provider Number 1975-166, to offer continuing education for Certified Social Workers. Behavioral Tech will email a certificate of attendance upon 100% completion of this activity. The hours of CE allocated for this activity = 12.5.

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences recognizes National Association of Social Workers (NASW), National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), and American Psychological Association (APA) as approval agencies.

EFFECTIVELY USE SKILLS A skill is an ability acquired by training. As you learn and refine skills, you become more effective, i.e., you are able to maximize positive outcomes and minimize negative outcomes. In familiar situations, you know how to maximize benefits because you know from experience what works. But in unfamiliar or difficult situations, when you don't have the benefit of previous experience, you need skills to guide you to the best possible outcome. This paper focuses on the core mindfulness skill 'Effectively,' described by Marsha Linehan which will help you learn and develop the necessary skills to deal with stressful situations: Effectively. Focus on what works.

Do what needs to be done in each situation. Become a skillful dancer on the dance floor, one with the music and your partner, neither willful nor sitting on your hands. Stay away from “fair” and “unfair,” “right” and “wrong,” “should” and “should not.”. Play by the rules. Don’t “cut off your nose to spite your face.”.

Act as skillfully as you can, meeting the needs of the situation you are in. Not the situation you wish you were in; not the one that is just; not the one that is more comfortable; not the one that. Keep an eye on your objectives in the situation and do what is necessary to achieve them. Let go of vengeance, useless anger, and righteousness. They hurt you and don’t work. Focus on what works.

The major skills - core mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance skills - will help you maximize your positive outcomes. Instead of reacting automatically without thinking and without skills to a difficult situation, you can learn to practice the smaller, focused skills (like effectively) that make up the major skills (like core mindfulness). The first step to acting skillfully is to focus on making choices, seeing opportunities, and examining options to practice skills. You can choose to work with reality as it is in the here-and-now. This approach is more effective than reacting without thinking.

Today's focus is on being effective. Rather than emphasizing the end result, concentrate on conducting yourself effectively, which focuses on the most productive process, your choice to use skillful means. “What works,” in this sense, is a focus on continually developing skills and connecting to reality. Most people do not effectively engage problems, they avoid them. You will be more effective engaging problems if you employ skills.

Whether you use change skills (interpersonal effectiveness or emotion regulation) or acceptance skills (core mindfulness or distress tolerance) you will feel more competent and in control by approaching your problems skillfully. You can learn to be effective by engaging problems with your Wise Mind (drawing upon your inner wisdom).

Sensormatic ultra post installation manual. In Wise Mind, you are able to serenely accept what you cannot change and courageously change the things you can. Do what needs to be done in each situation. Willingness is doing just what is needed in each situation whether you feel like it or not. Willingness accepts that loss, pain, and distress are part of life and cannot be entirely avoided or removed. Willingness reduces the intensity of loss, pain, and distress because you redirect your attention to the present moment and the task at hand. Become a skillful dancer on the dance floor, one with the music and your partner, neither willful nor sitting on your hands. Imagine you are a skillful dancer.

The dance floor is your life with all its opportunities and options. Your partner is the here-and-now world in which you live. The music is the feeling of flow when you participate willingly in the dance of life.

Marsha Linehan

Imagine, too, sitting at the edge of the dance floor like a wallflower avoiding the music and your partner. Such “sitting on your hands” is called willfulness.

Willfulness is the opposite of willingness; it is being in-effective. Willfulness is NOT doing what is required of reality. Willfulness is characterized by avoidance and giving up. Willfulness is refusing to tolerate the moment and refusing to make changes that are needed Stay away from “fair” and “unfair,” “right” and “wrong,” “should” and “should not.” Reality just is - neither fair or unfair, right or wrong, good nor bad. Reality doesn’t care what you think it should or should not be. Reality is what it is.

Judgmental evaluation of reality locks you into rigid black-and-white thinking. A more effective thinking style is flexible, intuitive, and adjustable.

Marsha Linehan Skills Training Manual Core Mindfulness

If you believe there is only one-way to do things, you are locked into the rut of polarized thinking (all-or-nothing thinking) and you will eventually get stuck. By seeing yourself and others realistically, you develop a balanced, inclusive, and open-minded approach. A nonjudgmental approach accepts reality as complex, complicated, and requiring multiple perspectives. Such an open attitude allows you to see more solutions. Accepting mistakes is like accepting problems, most people avoid them.

What works when it comes to mistakes? Learning from mistakes works. Most people get angry or disappointed with themselves for making a mistake. Instead, you will learn and grow as a person when you accept mistakes and choose to view mistakes as life's lessons.

Play by the rules. Consider these “rules” or basic assumptions of Dialectical Behavior Therapy: First, you are doing the best you can (if you knew a better way, you would do it). Second, you want to improve.

Marsha Linehan Skills Training

Third, you need to do better, try harder and be more motivated to change. Fourth, you may not have caused all your problems, but you have to solve them anyway. Fifth, if you are suicidal, you must change your life, not end it. Sixth, you must learn new behaviors in all relevant contexts.

Finally, you cannot fail in therapy. Don’t “cut off your nose to spite your face.” In other words, don’t make the situation worse than it already is! Acts of anger or revenge will hurt you more than it hurts anyone else because acting out of anger and vengeance is not skillful. Act as skillfully as you can, meeting the needs of the situation you are in. Not the situation you wish you were in; not the one that is just; not the one that is more comfortable; not the one that Meeting the situation you are in may require you to dismiss your wishes, abandon your ideas of justice, and leave your comfort zone. Wishing is a way to avoid. Wishes indicate that you are trying to solve your problems by magic not by using skills.

Thoughts of injustice provoke anger and increase stress. If the situation is not just, remember, life is not fair. Comfort is temporary.

Tolerating discomfort is much easier if you learn distress tolerance skills. Keep an eye on your objectives in the situation and do what is necessary to achieve them.

Marsha linehan skills training

What sort of “eye” is this? This eye mindfully “observes” your objective. When you mindfully observe your objective other thoughts and feelings not related to your objective are ignored. Ignore 'I don't feel like it' and other self-defeating thoughts.

Marsha Linehan Skills Training Manual

One way to “feel one way and act another” is to notice your feelings, but stay focused on your objective. Doing what is necessary to achieve your objectives requires mental flexibility. If your objective is rigidly defined, you are locked into a fixed outcome. Here is an example from interpersonal effectiveness skills: Consider the important difference between the objective to have someone do a certain thing and the objective to communicate to another person, as best you can, what you would like them to do. Your focus on skillfully communicating to another person what you want orients you to using your skills to control your behavior. You cannot control the other person.

Effectiveness changes the focus from outside (other’s actions or the outcome) to inside (awareness of the choices you are making). Let go of vengeance, useless anger, and righteousness. They hurt you and don’t work. The opposite of effectively would be to make it worse than it already is. But when people are stressed the part of the brain that allows them to be mindful is turned off.

Likewise, feelings of anger and vengeance cause people to react automatically not choose mindfully. Conclusion Wisdom and skills help you effectively manage life’s difficult problems. Engage problems and look at your options and choices. Willingness is doing just what is needed in each situation connecting your Wise Mind to the task-at-hand. Instead of being judgmental, use your curiosity to develop mental flexibility. Think of the rules as the assumptions of DBT.

Do not make the situation worse than it already is. Meet the situation you are in by focusing on what you can control. Practice Radical Acceptance with your mistakes, this will help you learn and grow. References Linehan, M.M. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press Linehan, M.M.

Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.