Philips Brillance Service Manual

  1. Autumn Brilliance Service Berry Tree Pictures
  2. Philips Brilliance 190p Service Manual

DESCRIPTION Outstanding performance is routine The Brilliance CT 16-slice configuration is a complete, high-performance system ideally suited to routine CT studies, CTA, and advanced motion-sensitive applications such as CT colonography and pulmonary studies. With fast reconstruction and a range of automated tools to set up patients and manage scans, Brilliance CT 16-slice can help you make the most of each day. The system also includes a range of thoughtful features to help maximize dose efficiency.

Philips brilliance 190p service manualService

Autumn Brilliance Service Berry Tree Pictures

Seeing more patients in less time. Attracting more reerrals. Putting the most advanced tools in the hands o brilliant minds.

Philips Brilliance 190p Service Manual

Seamlessly conn ecting people to the inormation they need. Deliv ering patient care that is second to none. At Philips, we understand your needs in running a rst-class healthcare institution. That’s why we develop advanced medical tools with the power to transorm healthcare – by allowing clinicians to help more patients, making patients eel more comortable and, ultimately, setting your institution apart rom the rest.