Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual

  1. Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual 2016
  2. Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual 2012

Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual 2016

It's time to speak out for your right to repair We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronic equipment—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to protect local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. Join the cause and tell your state representative to support Right to Repair. Tell them you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for your right to repair!

Double check your connections to make sure they are good and are properly tightened. Sometimes there is corrosion under the insulation in the cable next to the battery connector.

One thing to watch for when working on batteries with post-type connectors: it is very easy to crack the seal around the battery post by applying sideways torque ('bending' force) on the connector while tightening or loosening the clamp bolt. You should apply counter-torque on the connector with one hand while you tighten the bolt with the other (visualize it as keeping the post from bending, and you'll have the right amount of force and correct direction). Even a microscopic crack will start corrosion on the post and connector. Sometimes the connection will work well when first assembled, but not the next day as corrosive fumes from the leak attack the connector. If you were working on the starter button, perhaps it was in poor condition and ready to fall apart inside, and you don't have a good contact anymore. Check for voltage across the switch contacts while you are trying to start the motor; it should not be more than a fraction of a volt. (You can do the same test between the battery post and the connector attached to it to verify a clean connection.) Answered on May 02, 2018.

Checking for spark is really simple while fuel delivery is more complicated because of the the way it is metered for delivery. On VW's a fuel pump relay is used and a jumper cable connected to relay box. This controls the fuel pump to deliver fuel manually. With a fuel pressure gauge connected to the line from the pump continued withing the system, you assess whether you have correct fuel pressure, maintain it within a specif duration. Electronic fuel injectors do stick or stay open causing very poor or no start condition.

Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual

Volkswagen Jetta 97 Service Manual 2012

Make sure you have fuel delivery since you are positive that spark is present. Answered on Jan 02, 2018.