World Geography Final Test Review Guide Answers
May 7-12, 2018 A4 students this week will review answers to the Night Book sheet and test on that next week on Tuesday. Wednesday May 9 A4 students will go to the PAC for the sports awards to be given out. April 30-May 5 students in A4 will test on the Asia map again and also find out what is on the Night book test with some questions and whole class discussion on practice sheet for dialog on that test that is next week. April 23-27, 2018 A 4 students today will view an environmental video about human geography and have an activity research sheet associated with it to answer during the film and search via devices thereafter for whole class review. Students are reminded to continue to finish reading in their NIGHT book for a test in about 7 days on that after state tests are over. The test will be either May 6 or 7. April 16-20, 2018 A4 students will be reviewing our Asia map for another test on that content and also discussing the content of the genocide book entitled Night April 9-13, 2018 A4 students are completing a final version on white paper of a colorized political cartoon detailing your understanding of 'outsourcing' as a practice in our global economy for a test grade on the final version with your research rough draft copy being your daily grade.
These are going to be presented in class either by the end of today or on Wednesday April 11. We have a test or quiz on the content of the video sheet on Friday of this week. We review on Wednesday for our test that is Friday.
April 3-6, 2018 A4 students will finish their presentations on outsourcing and view film entitled 30 Days in India: Outsourcing to fully understand how geography and global trade are connected and jobs and prices across the globe that we depend on are so important to our daily walk and family situtation. Political cartoon creation on the topic for a test grade and a bellringer article for quiz grade will be on Thursday of this week.
March 25-28, 2018 A4 students will review all answers to the religion guide with me and then start a short powerpoint project in the Career Center on the topic of 'outsourcing'. We will research what it is, when it started, how many companies in the United States participate in this operation and where in the world it goes on. Also these projects will be presented in class on Thursday March 28. This is a test grade and a daily grade for what percentage of time we put into this so use time very wisely. When we return from Easter break we will see a film entitled '30 Days in India' about this process and see the impact on people and the global economy. March 19-25, 2018 A 4 students for Tuesday March 20 will review the importance of South Asia map and the whole continent again for future retest on Asia.
Also we begin our lesson on outsourcing of jobs with a focus on India and 30 days there with noted geographer and film maker Morgan Spurlock. Activity sheet for students to record and answer questions about the content in relation to economy and jobs around the globe based on human geographic issues. Test on the topic next week.
March 5-9, 2018 A4 students on Monday March 5 will view a religious film as we continue to compare and contrast various religions of the world: today is Buddhism and you are responsible for any notes as facts about Buddhism for a daily grade. Some of you did not record any for the film and submit for Hinduism in our geography of religion lesson this unit. On Friday March 9 you will receive a 3 page questionaire sheet to research in class with a partner about many religions that we have talked about and a few new ones to learn about via short facts and we will have a test on Thursday March 22 about this material that we will begin to research with our devices on March 9 and then review on March 20 together after Spring break. February 26 to March 3 A4 students on Tuesday will finish the group religion project to inform the whole class on various religions of world. February 20-24 A4 students show and talk about their refugee and migration political cartoons in class on Wednesday Feb.
21 and then we start our powerpoint notes with new topic and unit lesson on Comparative Religions of the World; students will record notes from teacher smartboard as I discuss the highlights and importance of these found around the world. Notes will be viewed for daily grade are your responsibility and if not taken these will be assigned a 0 daily grade for not participating. Keep up with your Night book reading at home as we will test on that book at the end of April. February 12-17, 2018 A4 students finish their human rights display poster with color today; we also discuss answers to the movie guide of major questions and have each of the groups report on their refugees feelings about migration and whether each group favorably portrayed that message in their work today on Monday; Test on this documentary is Wednesday and afterward you will complete your individual political cartoon with color and caption about refugees and migration as we have been discussing in class.
February 5-9, 2018 A4 students on Tuesday will be reveiwing answers to the documentary sheet about Refugees; future quiz on this content this week. January 28-February 2, 2018 A4 students continue their presenations today and then revisit a map of the world's regions in Asia and Europe for a future test on these to master. After, we will visit some key places experiencing some human rights violations and analyze a frontline video about human trafficking. January 22-26, 2018, A4 students for Tuesday January 23 will be finishing their human geography powerpoint research projects in the Career Center; Thursday we present them in class.
January 15-19 student in A4 class for Friday January 19 report to Career center for project work slideshow on various human geography issues- this will take us two days and we return here on Tuesday January 23. These are presented in class on the 25th. January 9-12 students in A4 class meeting on Wednesday will discuss major maps of interest and re-learning the nations of Europe and Asia; also, students will begin a project on genocide as we will discuss key events in human geography history that led to fewer in population in Asia and Europe due to genocide. Keep reading your book entitled Night by Elie Wiesel as we will be discussing the contents on it very soon. December 18-22 exam week students for A4 report on December 21 to take their Advanced World Geography test.
December 11-15 week of review for semester exam for A4 class; on Monday Dec. 11 we will review with a guide that you will complete with another paired student and use your devices to help answer these questions and we will review them on Wednesday December 13. Exemptions will not count for 1st semester as this is a whole year class. If you missed the Asia map test last week you must make that up by Wednesday of this week. December 4-8, 2017 A4 students on Tuesday December 5 will review a map of Asia regions for their map test on Thursday of this week. Also we will review answers to all sheets on Europe and Asia from last week. Also, we will receive and work on a Europe vocabulary sheet that helps us remember the modern history of Europe for content in reference to geography key issues facing people there today.
REMINDER ASIA MAP TEST IS THURSDAY DECEMBER 7. November 27-December 1, 2017 A4 students will begin to discuss and view a film about outsourcing and turn in their homework sheet from holiday break about what it is and how the world views this practice. The film is 30 Days in India and we will answer questions about this practice. Also we begin map study again on physical features and political regions with Asia and Europe next. My Iceland powerpoint will be shown before we break for Christmas holiday break.
November 6-17, 2017 A4 students on Monday will complete their energy guide with a partner today and have whole class review of answer sharing for understanding of the how and why of energy and how we benefit from it and solutions for tomorrow. Also, a reminder that on Wedensday November 8 and Friday the 10th we will work on our energy powerpoint project in the Career center upstairs for two days so come prepared to work hard on those as it is a test grade and we present to the class next week. Presentations for Energy projects will be November 13-17 in class. October 30-November 3, 2017 A day on Tuesday October 31 students will present their political cartoons and we'll discuss the importance of them and then begin to form groups to read some articles from around the world about our use of resources and energies, etc. Thursday November 2 we report to class on our findings. October 23-27 A day students for Monday will be starting with a bellringer looking at population pyramids and respond with answers orally from the group and then starting their own political cartoon about population or immigration issues for a rough draft on paper/explanation sheet provided. Also, today if you are finished with our rough draft of that cartoon, then you can start on the final test grade version with large paper that I will provide you with.
Rough draft counts as a daily grade and I will guide your start on this as we create and demonstrate objectives of population issues and how human geography affects the physical earth and our own habits on earth. Test for population unit is this Friday as we will review on Wednesday of this week.
October 16-20, 2017 A day on Tuesday will begin creation of their own political cartoons about population; next you will cite reasons for overpopulation and include that in your drawing for Thursday. October 11-13, 2017 A4 students will be viewing our population video entitled World in the Balance: the People Paradox and jotting down main idea points for our group discussion per nation about what effect various population issues have on these selected nations (poster paper to write on per group provided by me). Whole class reporting on facts about population and cause factors involved.
Followup on review of all content vocab for a quiz on Friday of this week about population and immigration issues (sections 1-2 vocab). Will also have students examine various political cartoons about population and immigrational issues before creating their own in class early next week; Population distribution and density simulation in class as students move around room as teacher directs to understand population by nation based on student placement around the room. October 2-6, 2017 A 4 students finish their climate survivor group plan strategy to present to class today for a major grade. Rubric for grading is 25% for group personal roles; 25% for content of the plan; 25% presenting to class today and 25% creativity and written component submitted with map detail sheet. Wednesday we begin a new unit about Population, Culture, Human Systems, and Resources. Content vocab will be cited and researched first/taken and reviewed for daily grade.
This term ends on Friday of this week. September 25-30, 2017 A4 students finish up on climate and ecosystem presentations and then review a film on causes and effects of weather and climate regions globally and also will review a homework sheet for the evening of Tuesday September 26 for due on Thursday September 28. A quiz on weather and climate will be on Thursday September 28. September 18-22, 2017 A 4 students will complete their powerpoint on their climate, weather or ecosystem topic and present them in class on Wednesday. September 11-15, 2017 A day Tuesday and Thursday for A4 class will complete the citing of key places with their world physical map for whole class overview and understanding of how those relate to climate regions and affects on human systems there. All students will go to career center for Thursday as we begin a climate project to cover two days there.
No homework or tests this week due to canned food drive. See world climate region map here for study to learn what they are and where they are located. IN CASE YOU MISSED THE CLIMATE AND WEATHER VIDEO HERE IS A LINK TO IT BUT BE SURE TO SEE ME FOR THE SHEET THAT CORRESPONDS WITH IT IN CLASS.
September 5-8, 2017 students for A4 will review their last weeks quiz on the landforms and content vocab; discuss the importance of landforms in relationship to human geography with a video for assessment on Friday September 8. During class after the video students will pair up with their research partners to complete their search for most important landforms that affect human geography 'contest' for test grade points on next upcoming test. We will have students cite their examples for the whole class, give the location, and a trivial fact they found online with devices. DON'T FORGET THE TEST IS FRIDAY FOR LANDFORMS/VIDEO SHEET. SO BE SURE TO STUDY THAT SHEET WE WENT OVER IN CLASS ON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 6 FOR FRIDAY TEST SEPTEMBER 8. GET PROGRESS REPORTS SIGNED AND RETURN THEM NEXT TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12.
August 28-September 1, 2017 A4 students begin new physical earth chapter, view powerpoint to check out important landforms of earth, discuss key vocabulary for a quiz that will be on Friday of this week and also view short landforms videos like volcanoes and geysers, etc. Assessment quiz on Friday of this week for A4 class on landforms and the content vocab of chapter 2 of newer text resource. See link on this week assignments for the landform sheet. Week three August 21-25 A 4 students create their own community map; review all key terms; assess our knowledge of them in relevance to the global community and review for test that is Thursday August 24. Week two: August 14-18, 2017: A 4 students will analyze how to figure latitude and longitude as a basic skill this week along with major map basics for a quiz on Friday of this week August 18.
Also, we need to use our journal on Wednesday for our first entry so make sure you have it Wednesday August 16; if you do not you risk receiving a 0 for the first daily grade entry and these will mostly be left in class this year. We view a video on what is geo-literacy as well to understand what geography is and how we use it in our daily lives. Use of our class set of textbooks as well. Monday August 14 we also have an inteactive sheet you will use to answer questions amongst each other for getting to know each other. Week one: August 9-11, 2017-Welcome to Advanced World Geography for fall semester August 9-11, 2017. You will not have a set of textbooks for Advanced World Geography but will have lessons prepared from a wide variety of sources and materials that I will provide and that we can find online and experience together. What you will need are pens, pencils, notebook paper at least a folder or small one inch binder for all year.
Additionally, you will need one of those marblized looking black and white journal writing paperback type journals for this class to cite work evidence and record responses to critical thinking questions or bellringers for the entire year and many times these will be left in my class for me to review and grade work in. Let's prepare for a great pirate journey and all get on board and head in a positive direction with outstanding latitudes about geography!! May 8-12, 2017 A4 students will review what we need to know for the final exam and discuss any missed work this semester. May 1-5, 2017 students will review for the final exam with a large content review guide from semester 2.
Also we will revisit and remediate the map of Asia for a quiz on it this week (Thursday May 4). Exemptions will be told early next week for any upperclassmen. Challenge sheet of prominent MS citizens who have contributed globally (daily grade).
April 24-28, 2017 this week A day class will continue and finished their venn diagram contest with other groups for the most facts and trivia similar and different about the Arctic vs Antarctic region assignment. Any students finished with this will have to continue reading in their required book 'Things Fall Apart' as we will test on it in 2 weeks. Wednesday in class we'll show the contest diagram sheets to all and present them. April 18-21, 2017 4 A students will view the archival historical film about the race to the North Pole about Robert Peary and James Cook and record some notes for using to create an informative essay about the topic.
This will count as a daily grade for submitted notes and the essay when written or typed will be a test grade with the rubric for grading consisting of the following: 34% grammar and correct appropriate content information of at least two full pages on notebook paper or white typed paper; 33% neatness and legibility of the content; 33% of the grade is on time submission by end of Wednesday of April 26. We have already covered the Arctic map and Antarctic maps for this unit but if you missed those, see me for any makeup work. BRING YOUR PAPERBACK BOOK TO CLASS TO READ EACH PERIOD FOR A4. April 3-7, 2017 Students for 4A class of Advanced World Geography will focus fully on their new unit on examing maps of Polar Regions and compare and contrast both environments in a venn diagram and visualize 'Extreme Ice' video about unique scientific facts on how different Antarctica is from the rest of the world as well. Map test on Thursday April 6 for North Polar region (worksheet from last week in class is what you study). HOMEWORK READING FOR Thursday NIGHT APRIL 6 IS TO CLICK ON THE LINK AND READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT AN EXPLORER'S SURVIVAL INFORMATION FROM 1900S TRIP TO ANTARCICA AND WRITE A SUMMARY WITH DESCRIPTIONS ABOUT THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT THERE HE MENTIONS AND WHAT STRUGGLES HE AND OTHERS HAD WHILE EXPLORING THERE FOR GREAT BRITAIN IN THE EARLY 1900S.
MUST BE TURNED IN THURSDAY APRIL 10. Arctic region map test is this Thursday April 6. March 27-31, 2017.Students this week will focus on new topic Polar regions analysis of the Arctic region exploration with google earth maps and begin vocabulary that helps understand the geographical and scientific evidence of any climate change or ice pack melting, etc.
Students will be labeling a map that will be an assessment quiz grade. Homework reading assignment for an excerpt of the book: It May Be Some Time written about Robert Scott's chapters in a book about Britains race to get to the South Pole in the early 1900s. Our next special assignmtn involves the whole class reading about Africa in a book entitled: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe about African tragedy and stuggle in the 19th to 20th centuries. Week of March 20- 25 students in A4 Advanced World Geography students will make up their Europe Map test and present their powerpoint projects on European nations to the whole class for their test grade assessment on topic. We will also begin to understand digital maps online and also experiment with GPS outdoors next week. (copy of map) Week of March 6-10 students will have a test on Europe map this week and begin to break it up into various regions today on Monday March 6 and view a film about critical geographical issues facing the continent as well as some powerpoint notes; also we begin a powerpoint creation on your selected country from Europe and hope to get some laptops to use or go to Career center if possible.
These will be presented after spring break week. Week of February 21-24 students in A4 Advanced World Geography will be finishing a unit of study on African genocide and human trafficking and also focus on quizzing on the regional map of Africa. Sample map will be done on Wednesday and view a brief film about genocide to conclude that topic. Test on the Africa map is next week on February 27. Week of February 13-17, 2017 we'll have the final 3 presentations on human geography topics and finish our powerpoint notes on refugees and then finish our film part 2 of Exodus involving the families who were from various continents experiencing different refugee conditions. Quiz on the powerpoint content for Friday of this week Feb.
17; included in that are the various groups thru history that have been refugees. Week 5 February 6-10, 2017 students for Advanced World Geography block A4 will finish their research on human geography topics in the Career Center on Tuesday February 7, then present them to the class on Thursday Feb.
9.; this is a daily and test grade. Keep up the good work at home on these as you had an awesome start on Friday in the Career center with your research and evidence of global human geographical issues around us. 3 students will be starting a new lesson likely on refugees and migration this week as we look at the struggle today with masses shifting from Asia and Africa to Europe and the Americas and the pro con of many in that movement. Focus on tolerance as a lesson and maps and use of video to be done online this week. Vocab remediation as well and 5 students have a make up test on japan from last week.
Wednesday Feb. 1 students will view the Frontline film called 'Exodus' about the international problem of migrating refugees around the world that has become a human migration nightmire with geographical connections for all of us. You will be recording some notes about the causes, effects, people, countries and conditions to be used in your powerpoint project that we will create in the Career Center on Friday Feb. 3 of this week. Bring your usb jumpdrive so that you can create and save that powerpoint on that usb.
These will be presented next week in class. Week 3 January 23-27, 2017 students will be testing on Japan this week and finishing their floor plans and spatial study of Japan housing vs that of the western world we live in. Test on Japan is Thursday January 26. Week 2 of January 16-20, 2017 students in A4 Advanced World Geography will continue lesson on Japan with turning in homework reading summary about our article shown posted below from last week about the Japanese Constitutional dilemma. We will record a daily grade on this so if you did not do it, then your grade will show as a (0). We next will see a copy of a t-shirt that I brought from home that was designed by the Japanese people to draw attention to this idea so that they can have an army again and protet themselves from an invading neighboring country is that ever happens.
Powerpoint questions for a quiz will be done this week as well on what we mastered in content on Japan last week. 2 interactive things we'll do in class to see how and why the Japanese people deal with land issues and 'space'.
We viewed a video last week that was entitled: Japan Revealed and will talk about the content of that too this week. Week of January 9-13, 2017 students will be studying about the culture, people, landforms and human geography of Japan based on my trip there from 2010. We will have a select reading about their unique constitution and have some written assignment on that that you will be told where to go on this website about that. It will be entitled 'Article 9: Japan Constitutional dilemma'.
Look for that later this week. If you are out or sick, you can click on the underlined document above for Japan powerpoint slideshow to answer questions from the film about our new lesson on Japan. This is a quiz grade based on what I presented in class and also what you recorded some notes on in class. Some of the questions may have to be researched with your devices. This will be turned in to me at the end of class on Wednesday January 11, 2017. Here is the link to the article about Japan's constitution as referenced in a Japan Times newspaper; write a summary of what the periodical is saying about how Japan is affected by the constitution now and how this change might bring about either positive or negative effects.
Must be one page written response in length. Due on Wednesday January 18 for A day students. Week 18: December 12-16 students will be finishing presenting their Asia country slideshows and reviewing for exams Friday till mid next week. Make sure you have all your items for presenting and you must complete the guide for the exams in class for daily credit points. See the exam schedule in class for next week this is posted. See the Honors World Geography page for the answers to the study guide for the exam.
Week 17 December 5-10, 2016 students will be reading a passage for homework about the Aborigine tribe in Australia for Monday night and have the answers to posted questions to turn in on Wednesday December 7. This week we review and test on Aus/NZ and the map and then present our Asia country powerpoint slideshows on Friday December 9.
SEE LINK BELOW FOR DECEMBER 6 HOMEWORK reading assignment. Week 16: Nov. 2, 2016 students on Tuesday Nov.
29 will be in Career center upstairs researching and creating their Asia country project powerpoint (postponed from earlier sign up conflict date). Thursday we will be in class finishing up on Australia and NZ research and fact sharing with whole class. Below notice the homework for Tuesday about Australia topic; have your work ready to turn in on Thursday December 1.December 6 reading see this link. ( bring answers Wed Dec. 8) Week 15 November 14-18, 2016 students this week in A4 class finish the film series and create a group skit, song or campaign poster to promote better human use on earth of the environment; then test on the content of this unit. Week 14: November 7-11, 2016: students will begin new lesson on environment issues with National Geographic entitled: Strange Days on Planet Earth' with segment videos on case studies of geography environment issues. Students will discuss these and analyze these in small group and create a final project piece on one of these case studies for A4 class this week; Assessment to follow at end of week or first of next week.
Week 13 October 31-November 4, 2016: students will be review and identification of the major Asia regions in map form and then finishing a lesson about Outsourcing of jobs around the world as it affects all nations and economies globally in geography; a group activity will focus on the how and why of outsourcing and we review an article in a perodical about this topic and talk about it in small group with a research with our devices and creating a chart of the pros and cons of it. Also a small test will be given on Friday of this week about outsourcing.
Week 12 October 24-28, 2016 students in 4A will be looking and labeling and researching Asia and Europe maps in order to understand, view and cite reasons for global issues like outsourcing in an article this week as we read a special article about this labor issue in India and view it online with a film from India called: 'outsourcing IN India: 30 days'. Students also label their regional maps for seeing what and where these issues occur in order to master a map assessment this semester. Week 11 October 17-21, 2016: students on A day Monday Oct. 17, will be creating their powerpoint on their energy chosen topic AFTER their test on energy and resources in the career center upstairs.
Ap Human Geography Final Exam Study Guide Answers
Below is the link to the file that details what should go on your powerpoint. Wednesday in class we will show and discuss your energy political cartoons for a daily grade and then begin our next topic about 'Outsourcing' of jobs and how this issue affects not just our country but the economy and culture of others. Friday October 21 I will be at a state convention but you will have an assignment about outsourcing that will involve you working together in small groups researching and submitting an activity sheet to the substitute. Week 10 (2nd 9 weeks) October 12-14, 2016: students will be analyzing energy and resources of the earth and use their powerpoint notes that we discussed about the types of energy and how we use them on earth and answer questions on a review guide from those notes and what you remember in class as you work with a partner to help guide you on RETHINKING what energy is all about. You will read and answer a periodical article entitled: 'Outsourcing' about jobs, energy, resources, labor-people and economies of the world and report to the whole class what facts you find interesting about article and we'll talk about this topic affects all of us on the topic of resources/human geography. Also be sure to study for the short test on energy and resources from your study guide that we'll totally review in class together that you and a partner answered and discussed.
B day test is Friday October 14 and A day test on energy is Monday October 17 (see this document here for details about what your powerpoint slideshow should be about from a selection of topics to choose from with a sign up sheet in class.Here is the link or file for the Energy Powerpoint for my class. To study for the test on Friday/Monday. Week nine: October 3-7, 2016: students will be analyzing a film about energy and resources use in China and how this affects their human and physical environment as we take a few notations on that film and discuss aloud in class and also record and view some slides on powerpoint from the teacher discussing and explaining how and why we need resources and energy in this global market of today and how we wisley or unwisely use them. Students will turn in the notations from the film for daily credit. Students will continue their homework energy use chart this week as bellringer too and submit their sheet by week's end for daily credit. We also receive an energy and resources review guide for this unit to work in peer group to discuss and answer. Test will be next week on this topic/unit.
Week eight: September 26-30, 2016: students this week will research political cartoons on population issues and create their own in class with materials I provide and present them to the class with Q and A session about what the context of them mean and how this applies to us in the US and the global context. Begin unit on energy and resources of the earth with remediation of vocab and have a bellringer with the IQ on energy for students to see what they know or not already about energy; film about how China has been 'rising' in energy use but also what to do with the pollution globally and how it affects the rest of the world.
Az Civics Test Review Guide Answers
Homework link here for week beginning Thursday Sept. 29 and to be completed and turned in by October 6; your recording what energy-electricity items you use at home for a week. Week seven: September 19-23, 2016: students have an informal assessment on vocab this week on population issues; begin film series view with understanding how populations of India, China, US and other nations are coping with growth issues and cultural challenges and students will have an activity sheet to answer questions about the film content for daily grade. Also, students will complete defining of key terms on the units of 3 and 4. Week Six: September 12-16: students will finish their powerpoints from climate unit to present and also define and discuss the importance of key terms from human geography unit of chapters 3-4; view China slideshow about importance of population issue and see how it impacted 1.3 billion lives there and also discuss relevant issues as to how it affects global market as well. View China Lost Girls video about this issue with note taking about it for daily credit/notes for assessment.
Slideshow also about types of countries in the world and economies as well. Week five: September 6-9, 2016: Students will complete and present their survivor group activity to class and review for assessment on Climate and ecosystems unit and also create their own slideshow in career center for a certain climate zone. Week four: August 29-Sept. 2, 2016: Students will view slideshow and have assessment on climate zones; form groups to examine and survive in game among groups about a certian climate zone to write a plan with others creatively and survive it and present to whole class to understand the content and application of climate and ecosystems unit. Week three: August 22-26, 2016 August 22 A day students will be reviewing that physical map of major identified places and also reviewing the skill of latitude and longitude with a bonus challenge activity; also we will conclude the study of landforms with a powerpoint lesson of what the major ones are and how we view them on earth to connect to the physical map earlier. Also if time allows we will create in 3D in same group from last week, a 3d model of the landforms digram in our textbook page 46 to see how all landforms play a role in our landscape.
On Wednesday we review for our test on all basics that is Friday of this week. August 24, A day students will review for their test that will be Friday and also today view a powerpoint upstairs in Careet computer center and create a powerpoint about the theme categories of geography in relation to us. August 26, A day Friday is test day. Week two: August 15-19, 2016 August 16 A day students will have world map quiz on basics we learned in class from your great knowledge of the world thus far.
August 18 A day students have their vocab quiz on content words and then identify on provided physical map the 47 key important physical features of the earth physical map they must know for future test. Also today we break into small groups and create a 3d map of a particular continent and play the landforms on that map of rivers, mts., seas, plains, etc. This is a way to help us remember what purpose they serve on earth and also where major ones are in relation to us. Week one:August 8 - 12, 2016 Assignments: August 8, 2016 (A) day students will be receiving course syllabus/pacing guide and reviewing what is required for the course. August 10 2016 (A) day pre-test for what we need to cover this year is analyzed and answered in class. Map basics reviewed. August 12 (A) day students will be analyzing a graph, map and create a detailed map from home to school; review key terms.
World Geography Final Exam Review (Spring 2009). 1.