4th Grade California Curriculum Pacing Guide

NGSS Standards On September 4, 2013, the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS) as required by California Education Code 60605.85. The NGSS Appendices A-M were also adopted to assist teachers in the implementation of the new science standards and to aid in the development of the new science curriculum framework. The California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) can be viewed below by grade level Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI): Life Sciences, Earth and Space Sciences, and Physical Sciences or by grade level Topic (e.g., Chemical Reactions, Structure and Function, or Space Systems). (DOC) Kindergarten through Grade Five Standards Standards Arranged by Disciplinary Core Ideas (Life, Earth and Space, and Physical Science). (DOC).

(DOC). (DOC). (DOC). (DOC). (DOC) Standards Arranged by Topic (e.g., Chemical Reactions, Structure and Function, or Space Systems). (DOC).


Fourth Grade California Curriculum

(DOC). (DOC).

(DOC). (DOC). (DOC) Grades Six through Eight Standards These documents provide middle school educators the rationale for the CA NGSS Integrated Learning Progression Course for middle grades six through eight and the Alternative Discipline Specific Course for grades six through eight. The documents also describe learning progressions for each grade level. (DOC) This document provides middle school educators the rationale for the Integrated Learning Progression Course arrangement of standards developed by the California Science Expert Panel. Documents containing the standards for each grade level are below. (DOC) This document provides middle school educators the rationale for the Discipline Specific Course arrangement.

4th Grade California Curriculum Pacing Guide

Curriculum Pacing Guide English

Documents containing the standards for each grade level are below.